This would be a good airship to use an anchor on if you've acquired any. When you then chase it down to ground level, it's nowhere to be found. In World 5, it is possible for the airship to land on the land-based portion of the map, displayed in miniature in the upper left corner of the sky map.

Even the super jump won't get you back up. It's also possible in the boss room of 3-2 to go past Birdo, stack the mushroom blocks to the left in such a way that the only gap in them is surrounded by 2-block-tall walls, then jump down to the bottom of the area.

Entering and leaving the vase causes the dirt blocks to reset, allowing you to escape if you manage to get yourself stuck. This was fixed in the GBA Super Mario Advance remake, which added a vase at the bottom of the pit. series, there's no time limit to wait out, although there is a suicide code to restart the level at the cost of a life. And unlike most other games in the Super Mario Bros. One level (World 2-2) features two pits, one of which becomes a trap, but only if you're patient enough to dig up all the dirt in it.Worse than that, this error was not fixed for the All-Stars version! It wasn't until Super Mario Advance that this was finally fixed. You can't die if this happens, forcing the suicide code to be used. After Wart is defeated, scrolling gets disabled, so if you're too far to the left, you won't be able to enter the door under where Wart was standing.The only way out is to reset or use the suicide code (Up+A+B with the second controller on the pause screen). In the PRG0 version of the cartridge, if you get hit by one of Fryguy's pieces while throwing a mushroom block at another, that piece will be thrown off the screen rather than disappear, and the game will register it as still alive, so the exit door fails to appear.