There veho vms-004 deluxe usb microscope 2 magnification power setting, one at 20x and the other at x. Discuss, Veho VFS-001 Deluxe - film scanner 35 mm - desktop - USB 2.0 - with 2GB ME Account Sign in to comment. For this you dont need the Veho to be connected to a PC.Also the disc is too small for any mac cd drives and there was no instructions on where to find the drivers online. Veho vms 001 usb microscope drivers for mac download - when manufacturers stop supporting operating systems they would be better served by pulling the unsupported hardware off the market or making the limitations known.

If your microscope only has one adjustable wheel for focusing then you need to download the file called ‘VMS-004 Version 1.zip’ (see image below).It's 100% safe, uploaded from safe source and passed symantec virus scan! The following images, that show how to make the desktop icon, were captured on an ubuntu 9.

This carries the implication that it is a true zoom microscope. One of the cool things about it is the clear plastic tube on the end makes it look like a tunnel when you look at something more than a few inches away.